I know you!! You are the lucky one!!

YOU are the teacher who was chosen by your administrators, out of all the others, to have another prep.

YOU are the one with your hands already full: coaching, running the school store, or maybe the DECA, FBLA, or PBL advisor.

YOU are the one who needs a break.

YOU are the one who gets to spend your summer prepping to teach Financial Literacy.

YOU are the one who will sell your prep hour to take on an additional course so your students can fulfill the graduation requirements in your state.

YOU are the one, regardless of your own personal financial situation, who will stand in front of hundreds of high school students to change their lives with what you share.

YES… YOU are the lucky one!!


How it would feel to have time do the things summers were made for?

How it would feel to not think of your job on non-contract days?

How it would feel to really have the summer off?

Helping new and burnt out financial literacy teachers save time while preparing an effective and engaging high school course is what I do!!


 There are a few ways I can help:



Guides and tutorials on how to use the resources I sell on Teachers Pay Teachers.



After eleven years of consulting for the Utah State Board of Education during the developmental years of their required Financial Literacy course, being a guinea pig piloting the required course, and years of teaching and training teachers, let me share my knowledge!



Experiences from my own financial journey. By applying the principles I teach in Financial Literacy, my husband and I have created a life we have always dreamed of on the salary of two teachers. What is your definition of rich?

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I LOVE MONEY!! My philosophy is that is doesn’t really matter how much you have… IT is what you DO with what you have that makes all the difference. Stewardship is key!



Think about what you think about. Life is a series of emotions that are simply determined by our thoughts. Change your thoughts… change your life! Teach this to your students!


Life lessons

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. It is possible to find purpose and meaning in the small, mundane things in life.

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I can’t wait to help you on your journey of teaching Financial Literacy!

You will change lives, and in the process you will change your own!