Attitude and Altitude: The Keys to Financial Success
Attitude determines your altitude, if you have a bad attitude, even if you are way up there, you will come crashing down, and if you are still trying to take off, a bad attitude, will keep you on the ground, revving your engines but going nowhere.
— Strive Masiyiwa

Attitude and Altitude: The Keys to Financial Success

In the world of aviation, altitude and attitude are crucial factors that determine a successful flight. Each refers to a different aspects of an aircraft's position and orientation in the sky.

Attitude pertains to the aircraft's orientation relative to the horizon line. Imagine viewing an airplane from the side during takeoff or landing. Attitude describes the aircraft's orientation in relation to the horizon. When cruising at a steady altitude, the aircraft's nose-to-tail alignment runs parallel to the horizon.

Attitude signifies the angle or position of the aircraft relative to the horizon. The pitch represents the upward and downward movement, indicating whether the aircraft is ascending higher or descending lower. The roll refers to the rotation of the aircraft from wing to wing, such as during turns or banking. Attitude determines whether the aircraft is ascending or descending, moving up toward the sun or down toward the earth. In French, the word "attitude" originated from the meaning of position, posture, or position, often used in art and sculpture to denote the position of a figure. In aviation, attitude denotes the relationship of the aircraft to the horizon line.

Altitude, on the other hand, signifies the vertical position of the aircraft above sea level. Altitude is commonly understood as the distance above sea level and represents the height at which the aircraft operates in the atmosphere. Maintaining the appropriate altitude is crucial for ensuring separation between the aircraft and the ground. Pilots use various instruments to monitor altitude for safety, especially during landing when it is important to know the airport's altitude in relation to the aircraft's altitude.

Instruments such as the altimeter and attitude indicator are used to measure both attitude and altitude inside the aircraft. The altimeter measures atmospheric pressure to determine the aircraft's height above sea level, providing information about altitude. The attitude indicator, also known as the artificial horizon, indicates the aircraft's attitude by displaying a line that moves in relation to the aircraft's pitch or roll. These instruments play a critical role in maintaining stability, determining direction, and accurately performing maneuvers, particularly when visibility is low.

Interestingly, these principles also hold true in the realm of financial management, as well. Our attitude, referring to our mindset and outlook, greatly influences our financial decisions and behaviors, while our altitude represents our current financial position and stability. In today’s post, we will explore how attitude and altitude impact our financial success, discuss strategies to enhance both for a brighter financial future, and identify some instruments that help determine where we are and where we need to be.

The Power of Attitude:

Our attitude towards money and wealth plays a significant role in our financial journey. A positive attitude empowers us to take proactive steps in managing our finances, making wise investment choices, and seeking opportunities for growth. Cultivating a mindset of abundance and believing in our ability to achieve financial goals can lead to a more confident and strategic approach to financial decisions. Viewing money as a tool for creating opportunities and improving our quality of life enables us to make informed choices that contribute to long-term financial success.

Building Financial Altitude:

Similar to aviation, our financial altitude represents our level of financial stability and security. It encompasses factors such as income, savings, investments, and overall net worth. To increase our financial altitude, we need to focus on strategies that build wealth and increase our net worth.

This involves:

  1. Practicing financial discipline

  2. Setting realistic goals

  3. Saving and investing wisely

  4. Managing debt effectively

By continuously improving our financial knowledge and skills, we can make informed decisions that contribute to our financial growth and stability.

The Connection Between Attitude and Altitude:

Our financial attitude directly impacts our financial altitude. A positive attitude towards money encourages healthy financial habits, such as budgeting, saving, and investing for the future. It motivates us to make smart financial choices and avoid impulsive or unnecessary expenses. With a positive mindset, we are more likely to seek opportunities for financial growth, explore investment options, and make strategic decisions aligned with our long-term goals.

Conversely, a negative attitude towards money can hinder financial success. Negative attitudes often manifest as financial anxiety, fear, or a scarcity mindset. Such attitudes can lead to poor financial decisions, overspending, or a reluctance to take calculated risks that could yield significant returns. Recognizing and challenging these negative attitudes is essential. By replacing them with a positive mindset that supports financial growth and success, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.


Financial instruments serve as valuable tools that help individuals gauge their financial progress and make necessary adjustments. These instruments provide insights into our financial health and enable us to track our performance towards our goals. Here are two key instruments that can assist us in assessing our financial trajectory:

  1. Budget: A budget is a fundamental financial instrument that allows us to allocate our income effectively and track our expenses. By creating a budget, we gain a clear understanding of our cash inflows and outflows, helping us identify areas where we can make adjustments or cut unnecessary expenses. Regularly reviewing our budget enables us to ensure that we are on track with our financial goals and make any necessary modifications. Whether it's using budgeting apps or traditional spreadsheets, maintaining a budget empowers us to stay organized, manage our finances efficiently, and make informed decisions about saving, investing, and spending.

  2. Net Worth Statement: A net worth statement is a powerful instrument that provides a snapshot of our overall financial position. It is calculated by subtracting our liabilities (such as debts and loans) from our assets (such as savings, investments, and property). A net worth statement helps us understand our financial progress over time and serves as a benchmark for assessing our wealth accumulation. By periodically reviewing our net worth statement, we can evaluate whether our assets are growing, debts are decreasing, and overall net worth is increasing. If there are significant discrepancies or a stagnant net worth, it signals the need for adjustments in our financial strategies, such as increasing savings, reducing debt, or exploring new investment opportunities.

By utilizing these financial instruments, we gain valuable insights into our financial status, allowing us to make informed decisions and take corrective measures when necessary. Monitoring our budget and tracking our net worth empowers us to stay accountable and make adjustments to ensure we are on the right path towards financial success. Remember, regular assessment and adaptation are key to maintaining a healthy financial trajectory.

Just as altitude and attitude are critical in aviation, they also play a fundamental role in our financial management. Cultivating a positive financial attitude and building a high financial altitude enhance our ability to make sound financial decisions, accumulate wealth, and achieve long-term financial success. By recognizing the importance of both attitude and altitude in our financial lives, we can proactively work towards improving our financial well-being and securing a brighter financial future. So, let us soar to new heights by adopting a positive attitude and building a solid financial foundation. The sky's the limit!

RELATED: Visualization is powerful when striving to reach financial goals. A great follow up activity to learning about financial freedom is to have students write an article about their success FROM THE FUTURE as though their success has already happened. Their SUCCESS STORY is written from a future perspective where they speculate and reflect on their successes that are waiting for them. IT IS FREE!

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