Pay Yourself First

“A portion of everything you earn is yours to keep,” just as described in my favorite book, The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clayson.

This resource guides a teacher and her students through a demonstration that can either be shared with the PDF provided, or that the teacher can show the students in class, with the PDF as a reference.

The concept is that if you put ten eggs in a basket, representing a full paycheck, and only use or spend nine, then repeat on a consistent cycle, eventually the basket will be overflowing with the remaining tenth that is saved and not spent.

I had a student once refer to paying your self first as, “Me Tax,” and I thought that was such a perfect way of grasping this principle. We all know that taxes are removed from a paycheck before we have the opportunity to spend the money. How powerful this concept is, IF we live it to the letter and don’t deviate?! Especially for young people! Abdul Kalam said, “You cannot change your future, you can change your habits. And surely your habits will change your future.

Paying yourself first is a sure way to control a good portion of your financial future! Teach your students about the power that comes from self discipline and consistency!


TPT, MoneyTraquel Dayley