What Would You Do?

We have all seen the TV show, right? Actors are placed in the setting of unexpected participants to test their thresholds. Actors portray various scenarios then the cameras catch the reactions of those caught on the hidden camera.

Along those same lines, this activity provides situational prompts that students can process through and construct a response to. No cameras are involved in this experience, but students are able to use what they have learned in class to consider the best reactions to a variety of real-life situations.

I like using the prompts in a wall gallery format so students can roam the room and get out of their chairs to complete their work. I use plastic frames from the dollar store to hold the prompts up, allowing multiple students to see each prompt at the same time. Each prompt is located at a pod of desks. Sometimes I allow a set amount of time at each station, while other times, I let them work at their own pace with the expectation that they visit each station by the time class is over.

Credit is the main focus topic of this activity.


TPTTraquel Dayley